Giacomo Emmi

Giacomo Emmi, MD, PhD, is a clinical immunologist currently working in Trieste, Italy. He is full Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Trieste, and Chief of the Internal Medicine Unit at the Cattinara University Hospital. He is also Associate Adjunct Clinical Professor at the Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
His main clinical and research interests are focused on systemic autoimmune diseases, among which Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and systemic vasculitis. In the last years he particularly developed a large experience in the management and care of patients with Behçet syndrome and Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (EGPA).
He also serves as co-coordinator of the European EGPA Study Group, coordinator of the FAIRVASC project, vice-President of the International Society for Behçet Disease (ISBD), and member of the scientific council of the European Society for Vasculitis (EUVAS).
Giacomo Emmi is author or co-author of about 350 papers in the field of systemic autoimmune diseases, co-convenor of the European recommendations for the management of EGPA, and member of the EULAR task force for the update on the management of patients with Behçet syndrome.
Augusto Vaglio, MD PhD

Associate Professor of Nephrology, University of Florence, Italy
Director of the post-graduate Nephrology fellowship programme at the University of Florence
He graduated in Medicine and specialised in Nephrology at the University of Parma, Italy, He was post-doctoral fellow at the Emory University, Atlanta, USA, and finally got a PhD in Nephrology at the University of Parma. He worked as a Nephrology Consultant at the University Hospital of Parma until 2018, when he moved to the University of Florence.
His main areas of interest are systemic small-vessel vasculitis, IgG4-related disease, lupus nephritis and Erdheim-Chester disease. He is one of the coordinators of the European EGPA Study Group and a member of the EUVAS scientific council. He published 300 papers in international, peer-reviewed journals and was an invited speaker in >60 international meetings.